Dynamic filter

Hi there. I have doubts of the feasibility of implementing a dynamic filter like the one of this site [http://www.sony.cl/electronics/productos-camara-lentes-intercambiables/t/lente-camara] without displaying all the products, but making ajax calls. Is it possible to do something like this?

Captura de pantalla 2017-08-02 a las 15.06.15

Hi @Roberto García​,

What do you mean with "without displaying all the products"?

In advance, you can build your own HTML-based custom menu by developing a template in the CMS.

Then, talking about those AJAX calls, you can use the Search API to get the set of products that fit your needs.

Just have a look for Search API Collection in this link to get the details: https://help.vtex.com/en/developer-docs

Hope this help you!


Hi @Julian Cecchi​.

By displaying all products i mean bring all the data to front so i can filter without making server requests.

I bring this question to the vtex slack #frontend channel and someone give an idea to achieve this using the search api as you say.

GET Facets Category and Specification http://{{accountName}}.{{environment}}.com.br/api/catalog_system/pub/facets/search/{{categoryName}}/{{specificationValue}}?map=c,specificationFilter_{{specificationId}}

Thanks for your help.