about how to develop and implement customizations in a VTEX store

Hi everyone,

I am looking for help or an explanation on how to develop and implement new features in a store that uses VTEX. We currently want to make some specific customizations, but I am not sure about the proper process to do this.

If anyone has experience with this type of project or can guide me on the steps to follow, I would greatly appreciate it. Any advice, documentation, or resources will be very helpful.

Thank you in advance!

Hello @Jierson and welcome to the VTEX Community.

If you already have access to a VTEX account, I recommend that you start with this learning path: https://learn.vtex.com/

Once you have an idea of ​​how things work at VTEX, you will need the updated source code for your online store. Only then can you start making the necessary adjustments to your store.

Hi Jierson,

Just as andremiani said, it’s really important that you start with learn.vtex to get an initial idea about development in VTEX.

After understanding better the learn.vtex part , I recommend accessing the VTEX DEV documentation at https://developers.vtex.com, especially if you want to create more customized components according to what your company needs:

Best regards.

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