Como quitar el tag canonical? How to disable canonical tag?

Estoy tratando de desabilitar el tag canonical pero sigue apareciendo. Estoy incluyendo el siguiente tag en el head del home.

<vtex.cmc:canonicalPage disabled="true"/>

¿Qué hace falta?

I'am trying to disable the canonical tag but the tag is still displaying. I'am including the following tag in the head of the home:

<vtex.cmc:canonicalPage disabled="true"/>

¿Is there someting else to do?

Olá pessoal!

@Luis Gutierrez​ @caio martins​ o correto é "disable", não "disabled".

Portanto para que desative a tag, basta incluir o controler:

<vtex.cmc:canonicalPage disable="true"/>


When you remove the controler still working?

@Luis Gutierrez​ @caio martins​ também não funcionou e não encontrei quase nada sobre. Só esse vídeo:

@caio martins​ I made some tests.

  1. If i do not use the controler, the canonical tag is display in one line. Example, line 41.
  2. If i use the controler, the canonical tag is display in another line. Example, line 35.
  3. If i use the controler commented, <!-- <vtex.cmc:canonicalPage disabled="true"/> --> , the canonical tag is not displayed.

I'm really confused with this controller