Customizing email template for new subscription


I am trying to customise the email template for new subscription. In the default template , html code for the template uses tag to define rows and columns. I somehow feel its old fashioned. Just wanted to check whether CSS flex layout is supported for email templates. Can anyone pls confirm this.


when you are creating an email it is recommended use tables basic , because when you load that email in emails admins like outlook or gmail or native apps probably will have a visual mistakes, but you ca:n try and show us how will you do it?
Try to be genericer :slight_smile:


Thanks @andreslarrotta for your reply. I will go by the recommendation. So we are using handlebar with html basics so that the email looks good in email admins. Is that correct ?

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Bhuvana, this link might be useful: GitHub - vtex/vtex-emails: Email framework for developing transactional email templates for VTEX E-commerces


Hi, Bhuvana

You can customize the HTML code of your email template to add inline CSS styles, such as colors, fonts, and text sizes. This can help modernize the appearance of your email, even if you’re not using flexbox directly.

If you have doubts about how to personalize your transactional emails, you can check the vtex article:


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