Error CHK00334 "The number of allowed addresses has exceeded"

I’m receiveing the error CHK00334 (“The number of allowed addresses has exceeded”),because the array of available addresses in the shipping data has reached the limit, but i am not finding what is the cause, how to fix it and how to prevent this error (clean the available addresses for exemple)
Any one here knows how to proceed when faces that error?
Tks in advance

Good morning! @JotaPe

There is a limitation on the number of addresses that can be included in a single orderForm, and that limit is 300 addresses.

Whenever a cart simulation is performed, a POST call is made to “Add shipping address and select delivery option

My recommendation in this case would be to review the checkout and navigation flows to understand if there is an excessive inclusion of addresses in the cart.

Currently, there is no way to remove addresses from an orderForm.

Our teams are evaluating the possibility of deduplicating addresses in the orderForm.

Nevertheless, we do not have a forecast to share if this solution will be implemented or an estimated time frame, and for now, there is also no way to bypass the 300-address limit.

This is a fairly high number when considering a user’s organic navigations.

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