Error when I try to run vtex publish command

Hi everyone!

I am having problems making vtex publish in my development workspace to be able to deploy my application to the vtex store.

The error is as follows when I use the vtex publish command:

15:55:00.316 - error: Request to Apps failed in 7196ms vtex.builder-hub@0.293.4  
15:55:00.330 - error: Publishing failed. vtex.builder-hub@0.293.4  
15:55:00.415 - error: App build failed with message: Error while copying content to a stream.  
15:55:00.417 - error: Failed to publish flowboxsp.widgetfb@2.1.0

Does anyone know what the error could be? It is not an internet connection problem and the application is not corrupted.

Hello Javier,

Looking into previous cases of this error, they tend to be related to the size of assets being added to the app. The general recommendation is to change the sizes of possible image files and/or change the value of the memory settings in service.json