General antifraud api questions

The documentation is not clear enough to answer some questions. Do you mind helping answer some of these:

If the “post /transactions” or “post /pre-analysis” returns with a 200 and a full body containing a completed antifraud results including status and score, does vtex ever end up calling “get /transactions/{}”?

Please describe the Manifest. What is it? Is there any additional documentation about what is the Manifest? If it is a document that contains custom named/value pairs to be returned with Anti-Fraud analysis, how are those extra fields used or presented with the order? The docs: Antifraud provider protocol<!-- --> API

Thank you!

Hello Brett,

Without the documentation in question I am not 100% sure I can answer you fully, but for your first I believe the answer is yes. If the anti-fraud returns a valid response the payment system will move on to finish the transaction and obtain information as needed.

As for your second question, I believe the manifest in question is the manifest file within the payment provider integration, as defined in our Payment Provider Protocol. You can more about what that is and what fields are set within (or pulled when that request is run) on this github VTEX provides for PPP development: