Get order Request

I have been trying to get the order details from my store via API, the list orders(GET) request is working fine but when i use the id i got from this request to make a get order request i end up not getting some of the info that i need.
Int the documentation we have this object in the middle of the response for this request:



“id”: “0”,

“email”: “”,

“firstName”: “U**”,

“lastName”: “H*****”,

“phone”: “556196842267”,

“document”: “845.134.270-19”,

“documentType”: “cpf”,

“entityId”: “5e50b939-2797-4644-afc9-202069cec129”,

“versionId”: “9af7b09a-be4c-41a1-b0e9-47c54dd062b4”



But in my requests i do not get this part of the response, all the responses i get end with “clientPreferencesData”: {
“locale”: “pt-BR”,
“optinNewsLetter”: false
Can somebody help me? I really need to get the customers contact information for my application and it is pretty much the only thing that does not come in my response.

Hello @joao.caldas

I tested with a random order on my end and I am seeing the customer information without issue. However, it is stored within clientProfileData, not contactInformation.

Could you try checking that field within the response of the Get Order API?

Eduardo Luciano
Field Software Engineer | VTEX

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Era isto mesmo, muito obrigado @eduardo.luciano. Não tinha me atentado a este campo… kkkk
Obrigado de novo,

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