In VTEX Legacy when using that URL ?map=c,productClusterSearchableIds
, they load the products of a collection, but in VTEX IO not, maybe I am missing some configuration or some block but they do not load the products of the collection that is chosen.
thanks for your help
Hi @BetsyOjedaC!
In VTEX IO you can still use Legacy Search to load products, but you need to use a URL like this:
. Example: /151?map=productClusterIds
See more about this here.
If it is still not working, check if you are using the mandatory blocks from VTEX search result blocks.
You can use this VTEX store theme as a reference to build your search page.
Hi BetsyOjedaC,
If you intend to use the collection as a shelf, you can use it like this:
“list-context.product-list#shelf”: {
“blocks”: [
“children”: [
“props”: {
“collection”:“167” ( here comes your ID collection )
“slider-layout#shelf”: {
“props”: {
“itemsPerPage”: {
“desktop”: 4,
“tablet”: 3,
“phone”: 1
“timeout”: 5000
“infinite”: true,
“fullWidth”: false,
“blockClass”: “shelf”,
“showNavigationArrows”: “desktopOnly”,
“showPaginationDots”: “always”
But, if you are working on Search Result, you need to use it like this:
"search-result-layout.desktop#search": {
"children": [
"props": {
"querySchema": {
"orderByField": "OrderByReleaseDateDESC",
"maxItemsPerPage": 30,
"queryField": "collectionname",
"mapField": "ft",
"hideUnavailableItems": true
"pagination": "show-more",
"preventRouteChange": true