Is it possible to do a bulk import of products from the ERP to VTEX through API calls?
Hello @GowriLakshmiD , welcome to our community!
So there are 3 ways to import products (manual, spreadsheet, API call).
VTEX API endpoint to create a product is this one Create Product with Category and Brand and if you want to send a bulk of products using API you would have to call this endpoint to each product you have.
Using a spreadsheet you can send a bulk of products in the same file.
Hope I could help!
Thank you @sesnick. I understood the process.
To import products from the ERP to VTEX through API calls, you need to distributed products data into three modules on the VTEX platform: catalog module, pricing module and inventory module.
But, first of all, you need to setup your Catalog by creating Trade Policies, Brands, Departments / Categories and also Specifications with fields for the product and fields for the SKUs that will be used during the import.
In the second step of the product import journey, you need to import the products data, product specifications, define the commercial policy for your products, import the SKUs, import the SKUs specifications and finally import the images of each SKU.
In the third step, you must import the prices into the VTEX pricing module.
And in the last step, you need to configure your inventory so that you can import inventory for each SKU.
I recommend starting here:
I followed the same but had an issue while importing SKUs in bulk. I am iterating an array to import SKUs of products. But when I add multiple products together the API responds with some errors. But it works fine when I add a single product. That is for a single product all the SKUs get added and for multiple products some SKUs went missing. The error is related to SQL. Since it is an asynchronous process is there any method to be followed to handle such cases?
Hi @GowriLakshmiD, It is highly recommended that all massive API integrations should be done using the FIFO (First In First Out) message queuing technique to avoid this unwanted behavior.
Thanks @andremiani . I will try that.
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