How to utilize the API to import products shared by the marketplace into the seller portal

I integrate a Seller with a marketplace that offers 48,000 products via the Seller Portal. However, when importing the available SKUs, it is currently necessary to perform the import one by one or, at most, by pages of up to 25 SKUs, which makes the process very time-consuming. I need the API to develop an integration capable of automatically importing the available SKUs, either one by one or in batches, and I require an API to list the products that have not been imported yet.

I could not find these APIs in the Api Reference of the Developer Portal.

Thank you in advance.

Hello Carlos,

I am not sure if I fully understood your issue, but have you tried using the APIs for SKU Suggestions? They are the APIs you can use to approve and deny SKUs sent by sellers, as well as change the approval settings more generally.

Hello Eduardo.

I´m talking about this screen path “

Wich I need to import in pages of up to 25 sku´s.

What I need is an API where I can list the shared products available and an other to make the import process.