I have created a new CMS page. Now I want to add a third party script in its body but it's giving me an error

This is the script. <!-- Wishpond embed code --> <script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.wishpond.net/connect.js?merchantId=1422034&writeKey=235634abc3f5" async></script><div class="wishpond-campaign" data-wishpond-id="2385559" data-wishpond-href="https://embedded.wishpondpages.com/lp/2385559/"></div>

Qual o erro?

If I try to save the script

<!-- Wishpond embed code -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.wishpond.net/connect.js?merchantId=1422034&writeKey=235634abc3f5" async></script><div class="wishpond-campaign" data-wishpond-id="2385559" data-wishpond-href="https://embedded.wishpondpages.com/lp/2385559/"></div>

Inside the a CMS page inside <div class="container">, its giving this error -

'=' is an unexpected token. The expected token is ';'. Line 25, position 94.

Can you please help me?

Altere para:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.wishpond.net/connect.js?merchantId=1422034&#38;writeKey&#61;235634abc3f5" async="async"></script><div class="wishpond-campaign" data-wishpond-id="2385559" data-wishpond-href="https://embedded.wishpondpages.com/lp/2385559/"></div>

Hello, if anyone having this problem, just replace “&” with “&” inside URLs.