Hey there,
We created a custom service to make requests to the pricing api to fetch the fixed prices of a product.
When trying to make a request to the service it still comes back as a blocked request
Any clues to what issue i’m running into?
Hey there,
We created a custom service to make requests to the pricing api to fetch the fixed prices of a product.
When trying to make a request to the service it still comes back as a blocked request
Any clues to what issue i’m running into?
@tyler if possible to provide some guidance with this question, that would be awesome!
It looks like a policy issue. Have you configured your app correctly?
In the manifest.json
file you should have this under policies
"name": "outbound-access",
"attrs": {
"host": "api.vtex.com",
"path": "/{{account}}/pricing/*"
@Paulo.ribeiro did you can resolve your problem? I have the same issue but i can’t resolve yet
Hello @marconacianceno !
Could you explain more about your problem?
Anyway, you can see a detailed explanation about it here: Connecting to VTEX Core Commerce APIs
Hey @wagnerlduarte , In the below policy how does the account name will map to this placeholder {{account}} , Do we need to externally configure that? I am using directly the {{account}} , Its not working.
"name": "outbound-access",
"attrs": {
"host": "api.vtex.com",
"path": "/{{account}}/pricing/*"
Please let me know how can that issue be resolved?
Uday Samba
Hello @udaysamba !
You can try this policies below?
"name": "outbound-access",
"attrs": {
"host": "portal.vtexcommercestable.com.br",
"path": "/{{account}}/pricing/*"
"name": "outbound-access",
"attrs": {
"host": "api.vtex.com",
"path": "/*"
Do any of these work for you?