Multiplying quantity and price in Message Center handlebars template


I’m creating a customized e-mail on message center and I need to multiply the value of an item by its quantity, but when I add formatCurrency I get NaN as the response.

This is how I did it in my template:

{{#if orders}}
{{#each orders}}
{{#each items}}

{{multiply quantity formatCurrency sellingPrice}}


If I remove formatCurrency, the value is displayed without the decimal separator. Can I do this in any other way? Thanks!

Hi @victorluna12! Turns out you are using the wrong syntax for Handlebars Subexpressions. Adding parentheses should do the trick:

{{#if orders}}
{{#each orders}}
{{#each items}}

{{formatCurrency (multiply quantity sellingPrice)}}


If you want more details about the implementation of formatCurrency, you can check out the source code for our helpers on Github.

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