Order cancelled after being invoiced or in transit(API)

After the order is invoiced and shipped, the customer cancels it in VTEX. How does VTEX communicate to the ERP about this cancellation to prevent this cancelled order from being delivered?
Does VTEX have any API that sends information about orders cancelled by the customer even after being invoiced and in transit?

Hi @felippe.rossi, welcome to the VTEX community.

I believe that if a user tries to cancel an “invoiced order” or a “sent order” through the “my account” area, in theory they should not be able to complete this request and would receive a transactional email:

  • vtexcommerce-order-invoiced-with-cancel-request template if the order has been invoiced

  • vtexcommerce-order-shipped-with-cancel-request template if the order is marked as shipped.

What scenario are you facing?

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Hi @andremiani!
I believe that is exactly what need it, thanks for help.

Any further questions, I’ll come back to ya!

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