Products list with price and stock information

I am trying to get a list of all products and I need price and stock information about those products. The way to do that from what I see in documentation is: get a list of all product ids → get product by id (here will be as many calls as products count) → get price (again as many calls as products count) → inventory by skuId (again as many calls as products count).
I find this very time and resource consuming.
Is there a way to at least send a list of ids as parameter to get a list of products? And is there a way achieve this with less calls?
ex: for 50 products I have to make 150 api calls (50 to get product by every id + 50 to get price for every product + 50 to get quantity for every product).
Thank you!


I would suggest you to explore these two APIs:

These articles may also be helpful: Get product list for an initial load ( and Get SKU and context (