Products prices and promotional prices

Hello, I'm synchronizing products from

I'm having issues for the products with discount prices. For example:

Has a price of 732 and a promotional price of 549.

On the api response the promotional price is not showing.

product with Id 668

Following response JSON

[ ..., { "productId": "668", "productName": "Seresto Collar Antigarrapatas Perros Más De 8Kg - 1 Collar", "brand": "Seresto", "linkText": "seresto-collar-antigarrapatas-perros-hasta-8kg", ..., "items": [ { ..., "sellers": [ { "sellerId": "1", "sellerName": "Puppis", "addToCartLink": "", "sellerDefault": true, "commertialOffer": { "DeliverySlaSamplesPerRegion": { "0": { "DeliverySlaPerTypes": [], "Region": null }, "1": { "DeliverySlaPerTypes": [], "Region": { "IsPersisted": true, "IsRemoved": false, "Id": 1, "Name": "Vtex_SP", "CountryCode": "ARG", "ZipCode": "90000", "CultureInfoName": "es-AR" } } }, "Installments": [...] "DiscountHighLight": [], "GiftSkuIds": [], "Teasers": [...], "BuyTogether": [], "Price": 732, "ListPrice": 732, "PriceWithoutDiscount": 732, "RewardValue": 0, "PriceValidUntil": "2018-09-01T15:57:20.9483165Z", "AvailableQuantity": 4, "Tax": 0, "DeliverySlaSamples": [...], "GetInfoErrorMessage": null, "CacheVersionUsedToCallCheckout": "8cda4df47f8f21dc75db0b6136148537_geral:CFACE3DBB9DDA61370FC1316066CEBD9" } } ] } ] }, ... ]

Que tipo de promoção foi criada? Envia um print para vermos como está configurada.