Search result layout prop pagination


I have a big question. In the store theme, in the “search-result-layout” block there is a “pagination” prop, but I can’t find this in the documentation. Where can I find more information about? is this prop still valid?


Hi there!

Try this file.
search-result/paginationType.js at master · vtex-apps/search-result · GitHub

Thanks for the suggestion, I tried with that value of “infinite-scroll” but it still behaves like “show-more”.

It is very rare, because there is no documentation to look for. I have not seen a case are the “infinite-scroll”

Looks like the code above uses flex layout. Take a look at this page.

Infinite scroll on flexible Search Result page

I did a quick test without flex-layout and it didn’t work either, I think it’s already out of order.

Thank you very much for your time and recommendations :slight_smile: