Store.home is not render

I created an account and clone store-theme repo, then I run these commands on terminal:

  • VTEX login [my-new-account]
  • VTEX use [a-new-workspace]
  • VTEX link
  • VTEX browse

My store is in production, and CMS/Pages have a home template(a single option showing: but only header and footer is rendering.

Hey @Zaninde, can you run VTEX ls and show to us the return of it?

Also, did you change the vendor on the manifest.json file?

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Hello Nikolavno, how are you?

Yes, my vendor on manifest.json is my name account.

I created a repo on github with source if you want see: GitHub - mercatoPiselli/minimun-boilerplate-vtex

When a run VTEX ls, the return is:

The problem is that the is installed. is the same thing as a primary store, so your changes do not reflect in your workspace because the VTEX theme and your theme are conflicting.
Try these steps below:

1 - Run vtex uninstall;
2 - Run the vtex link again and see if any changes that you do on the template will propagate to the VTEX environment

If you need anything more, just shout me out here!


I followed these two steps and had an different behavior, where a blank space appeared (home div), now look like that i have no home in my store.

here is when i ran vtex ls:
Edition Apps in mercatopiselli at workspace mercatoworkspace
VTEX.admin 4.42.0
VTEX.admin-apps 3.29.2
VTEX.admin-audit 2.3.0
VTEX.admin-binding 0.28.0
VTEX.admin-cms 1.10.0
VTEX.admin-collections 0.162.3
VTEX.admin-docs 0.4.3
VTEX.admin-graphql-ide 3.6.2
VTEX.admin-home 3.7.2
VTEX.admin-insights 4.4.2
VTEX.admin-inventory 0.49.3
VTEX.admin-login 1.24.2
VTEX.admin-logistics 1.36.1
VTEX.admin-mercadolivre-opportunities 0.7.9
VTEX.admin-orders 0.134.2
VTEX.admin-pages 4.49.8
VTEX.admin-pickup-points 2.13.2
VTEX.admin-pricing-settings 1.6.1
VTEX.admin-sales-performance 1.1.3
VTEX.admin-search 1.65.8
VTEX.admin-sellers 1.3.7
VTEX.admin-sku-binding 0.5.0
VTEX.admin-sponsor 1.0.2
VTEX.admin-suggestions 2.35.1
VTEX.admin-users 1.16.1
VTEX.admin-vendor-invite 0.12.0 0.1.1
VTEX.asset-server 0.15.5
VTEX.audit-io 0.1.4
VTEX.auth-admin 3.60.1
VTEX.auth-server 0.18.0
VTEX.billing 0.24.0
VTEX.broadcaster 0.9.0
VTEX.builder-hub 0.285.4
VTEX.cartman 0.3.1
VTEX.checkout 0.6.0
VTEX.client-admin-settings 0.7.0
VTEX.cms-builder-sf-jamstack 1.8.0
VTEX.colossus-legacy-proxy 2.3.5
VTEX.developer-docs-integration 0.5.6
VTEX.dotnet-messenger-sender 0.1.7
VTEX.evolution-manager-graphql 0.15.3
VTEX.file-manager 0.11.0
VTEX.intelligent-search-api 0.6.3
VTEX.invoice-notifier 0.8.2
VTEX.marketplace-network 0.17.1
VTEX.messages 1.66.1
VTEX.messages-templates 0.10.1
VTEX.messenger-core 0.1.9
VTEX.mkp-category-mapper-ui 1.20.2 1.25.0 1.5.0
VTEX.myuser-io 2.18.1
VTEX.notification-generator 0.6.2
VTEX.omnishipping 1.19.6
VTEX.order-auth 1.6.2
VTEX.orders-broadcast 0.3.0
VTEX.pix-payment 0.12.2
VTEX.promotions-simulator 0.2.3
VTEX.request-capture 2.2.2
VTEX.reverse-registry 0.6.14
VTEX.rewriter 1.56.5
VTEX.sales-performance-graphql 0.7.13 1.63.0
VTEX.seller-provisioner 0.2.1
VTEX.seller-welcome 0.2.0
VTEX.shipping-preview 0.11.1
VTEX.sms-messenger-sender 0.1.0
VTEX.smtp-messenger-sender 0.1.0
VTEX.sno 0.0.3
VTEX.sse-server 0.3.3 2.127.1 2.14.0 1.2.0
VTEX.toolbelt-telemetry 0.1.3
VTEX.transform-handlebars-email 0.1.12
VTEX.transform-handlebars-sms 0.1.4
VTEX.transform-render-email 0.1.7
VTEX.transform-render-sms 0.1.7

Installed Apps in mercatopiselli at workspace mercatoworkspace
VTEX.admin-promotions 1.5.0
VTEX.admin-v4-docs 0.1.0
VTEX.admin-webpage-performance 0.1.0
VTEX.facebook-fbe 1.7.2 1.0.3 3.3.1
VTEX.mega-menu 2.8.1 3.11.2
vtexbr.tiktok-tbp 1.2.2
vtexromania.advanced-seller-onboarding 0.6.5

Linked Apps in mercatopiselli at workspace mercatoworkspace 0.0.0

and here is my home.json:

Can you please send me your manifest.json?

Also, I will send you a dm with my contact, reach me so we can call about it!

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I already had a problem similar to this, basically you need to have a file called blocks.json and not blocks.jsonc in the root of the store folder.

Remember that it must be in the root of the store folder and not store/something else

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I believe that if you link the theme directly to the page module within the editor site it will work


Hello Nikolavano
I have link my theme but not reflating in front.

I have link my app but not refalting in front.

I have link my theme but not refating in front.

Hi @kirtinariya, welcome to the VTEX Community.

First check if there is more than one version of the store theme linked in the same workspace. Do that running the command:

vtex list

If it exists, unlink all versions and relink only the desired version.

The second step would be to check which default template is defined for the pages where the template is not working.


Hi @andremiani I have link this app GitHub - efremov-av/india-bootcamp-theme
but not affected in front. I have updated manifest.json vendor, name and version
after vtex link nothing to chnage in front

@kirtinariya Have you tried the two options I shared?

Yew i tried but not working.

@kirtinariya please, share more info to get more help… the default template configuration… vtex list… manifest…

@andremiani please check what steps I follow. but still not reflating front page.

-created app

  1. Login to your sandbox account:
    vtext login borntwo

  2. Create a new development workspace:
    vtex workspace use indiabootcamptheme

  3. Check that you are in the development workspace:
    vtex whoami

08:32:09.828 - info: Logged into borntwo as at dev workspace indiabootcamptheme

  1. Create and navigate to a new folder on your computer (we’ll clone repository inside):
    mkdir indiabootcamptheme
    cd indiabootcamptheme

  2. Open public repository with the store theme template:
    GitHub - efremov-av/india-bootcamp-theme

Not able to share further steps here getting error. i will update later if possible

  1. Clone this repository to your local folder using command:
    git clone
  • Change manifest.json file

“vendor”: “borntwo”,
“name”: “india-bootcamp-theme”,
“version”: “2.0.1”,
“builders”: {
“styles”: “2.x”,
“store”: “0.x”,
“sitemap”: “0.x”,
“docs”: “0.x”

  1. Open terminal (CMD) in that local folder and run command:
    vtex link

  2. Open your workspace in browser and check is theme is applied or not:

check screnshot for vtex list output