Triggering Back in Stock Email

We are using “availability-notify” app for triggering the back in stock email with a filter AvailableQuantity >= 50. There are 3 warehouses. So it triggers the email when the predefined quantity is available in one of the warehouses. But we want to trigger this email based on only one warehouse of our choice. Can we do this ? Thanks in advance

Hi Suraj!

How are you creating the filter AvailableQuantity >= 50 ?

Hi hugocostadev!

There is a Data Entity called availability-item in Master Data which contains following fields:
AvilabilityId, AvailableQuantity, BalanceDate, Location, Sku, SkuName

We have added a trigger in Master Data called NotifyMe and selected the availability-item Data Entity. There we have set the following fields:

Trigger Rule - The value of an attribute is changed
Field - AvailableQuantity
Additional Filter:
1st Field - AvailableQuantity
2nd Field - Bigger or Equal
3rd Field - 50